Thursday, March 10, 2011

Neck Update

I meant to attach this to one of the other post I did since yesterday, but forgot.

3 weeks ago, I had to have my dad drive me to the ER for my pain. I sat in church and was in horrific pain...which was causing me to get a migraine. I came home and called my dad to drive me there (so my husband could stay home with the kids). Well, 7 hours later, they told me that it was just a pulled muscle. They gave me some pretty good drugs there, and was pretty loopy when I got out to the waiting room to my dad. He sent me home with a prescription for a muscle relaxer. Anyway...that was I have officially been pain free in my neck for a week exciting. That was the worst pain I had felt in awhile. It is nice to not have to wake up and quickly get my meds in me to be able to even function. So today, I am thankful for pain-free days!

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